What would you have done if you had been the President of Ecuador?

 What would you have done if you had been the President of Ecuador?馃檶

Ecuador conmemora sus 211 a帽os de independencia en medio de la pandemia 

If I had been president of Ecuador, there would have been better proposals.
Modalidades de contribuciones desde la Coalici贸n por el derecho a la  educaci贸n, Ecuador 
For example, my solutions for education are:
  • If they had directed tasks, the students could have more knowledge 
  • The teachers would have taught new topics if they had received training every week  

 Another point that I would take into account is people's health problems.  Ministerio de Salud - Ecuador | LinkedIn

If hospitals had improved care, people would have been treated faster.

Pregnant women would have received better care if the Ministry of Health had hired more medical staff.

Health centers wouldn't have collapsed if the authorities had provided an appropriate physical environment.

 You also have to take into account how to improve the country's economic system and it would be:

If banks had offered credit, small businesses would have received financial support to maintain and provide employment 

The commercial and hotel sectors must be rescued and recover the jobs lost after the pandemic since there was an economic fall for the commercial sector

The last proposal would be a less orthodox policy, not only financing with the country's resources, but also exploring alternatives to strengthen the processes of growth and job creation.馃榾

Econom铆a ecuatoriana se desplom贸 9,8 % durante el primer mes del 2021 -  Camae  



